Speaker Among return to official duties in the August House.

The speaker of parliament, Rt. Hon. Nalongo Anita Annet Amongo has today the 6th of November 2023, returned to official duties at parliament. Speaker among was wormly welcomed by a number of parliamentarians and parliament staff upon arrive at the parliament of Uganda.  

Speaker among has been away for a while on a maternity leave after giving birth to twins last month. Nalong couldn't hide her happiness, she straight hit her official X-platform  to announce her return.

"Thrilled to return to official duties today amid a warm reception from colleagues and staff in the August House after sometime away on leave during which the Almighty blessed us with lovely twins. I most sincerely thank you all for your prayers and outpouring of love. I am grateful to my good brother, Rt. Hon. @Thomas_Tayebwa Tayebwa, for ably and firmly  holding fort. May the Almighty God continue to bestow abundant blessings upon you all"- Among on X-platform.

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