M7 issues another strange document, question speaker among - Why did Mpuuga & other 2 NRM commissioners get all the huge money.

President  Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has issued another strange document, questioning speaker among - Why commissioner, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga & other 2 NRM commissioners get all the huge money.

Details in the document below: 👇 

President Yoweri Museveni has expressed concern over service awards given to Mathias Mpuuga, the former Leader of the Opposition in Parliament and NRM-nominated Parliamentary Commissioners, totaling UGX 1.7 billion. 

In a May 3, 2024, letter to Attorney-General Kiryowa Kiwanuka, Museveni questioned the legality and morality of these awards, and instructed the IGG, CID, and DPP to investigate the potential violations of the Leadership Code and the Anti-Corruption Act. “Were you aware of these 'awards'? If you were aware, was it legal?” Museveni inquired.

The president emphasized the importance of upholding revolutionary principles and criticized the conduct as reminiscent of past regimes known for accumulating wealth at the expense of the country's development.

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