Utilise recess to monitor Gov't programmes, Among tells MPs

Speaker of Parliament Anita on Thursday, September 7, 2023, sent the House on recess, urging all legislators  to utilise the 20-day period to monitor government 

programmes in their respective constituencies.

"Honourable members, at the end of today’s sitting, we will go on recess until 28th September 2023. Unlike previous recess periods where some committees continued to transact business, this recess will be an absolute one," said Among in her communication at the commencement of the Thursday plenary. 


She added: ‘’I expect all of you to head to your constituencies to monitor the implementation of Government programmes.’’

As provided for under Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, the Members of Parliament are mandated to carry out oversight of all the government programmes undertaken in their constituencies all over the country.


 The same law mandates them to monitor, evaluate and bring to the attention of ministers and the public the misuse of government funds, violations of the rule of law and unlawful activities.


Ms Among’s communication re-echoes President Museveni’s continued message to Ugandans to utilise the available various government programmes to get themselves out of poverty. 

In most of his addresses, Mr Museveni rallies Ugandans to embrace government programs such as the Parish Development Model, Emyooga and the Skilling the Youth Initiative  aimed at empowering them through wealth creation by engaging in productive economic sectors.

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