Drunk Police Officer fires bullets in a bar, over a woman.

  Fred Enanga - Police Spokesperson 

A Police officer in Ibanda district has been arrested over attempted murder after discharging live bullets infront of revellers at one of the bars in the area. According to the police spokesperson Fred Enanga, the suspect is at level of a sergeant in the police force identified as Ampumuza.

“we have in custody an officer in charge called sergeant Ampumuza Mahamba for attempted murder and scandalous behaviour, this sergeant is the officer in charge of Bisheshe police station in Ibanda.

Enanga says Sergeant Ampumuza discharged the live bullets after having an urguement with some of the revellers in the bar over a woman.

“Why we arrested him is that last week around the 30th, he allegedly got drunk when he went to one of the bars called Genius bar and started fighting over a woman. He left the bar in hunger after he was beaten, went to his house and dressed up in a police uniform, picked a gun, returned to the Genius bar and he shot 3 bullets at revellers who were inside the bar.”revealed the police spokesperson Enanga

Police however says none of the revellers was injured by the live bullets by the time the area Dpc and his team responded to the incident where the suspect was disarmed and arrested.

“we’ve already arranged for him to appear in the police displenary court, where he will be discharged from the police for scandalous behaviour and also charged to court for attempted murder or threatening violence.

“at the level of a sergeant in police, you are really better off you don’t need to fight for a woman. You have what it takes to befriend somebody but at that level we don’t see why you should misuse a gun in such a manner like this.” He added

Enanga says the leadership of Uganda police force has a zero tolerance policy, being a disciplined force against all forms of police misconduct that includes unprofessionalism and as such the actions of their officers are regrettable and distressful. He further says, the decision by the officers to wrongfully misuse their firearms, not only violates the firearms policy but also creates distrust among the members of the general public.

Story by: derrick kanalo 

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