MP Nandala Mafabi and Family Participate in Census 2024, Urge Ugandans to Provide Accurate Data.


The Chairman of Bugisu Cooperative Union (BCU) and MP for Budadiri West in Sironko District, Mr. Nandala- Mafabi Nathan James, along with his family members, participated in the census 2024 exercise on Friday. They were counted at his home village in Busamaga, Sironko District. 

The Sironko district census team, led by Warren Asiima, from UBOS, visited the home of MP Nandala to carry the exercise. 

Nandala, who also serves as the Secretary General of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party, urged all Ugandans to be counted and provide as accurate information as possible during the process.

He informed Bugisu intellectual that, census facilitates proper government planning. For instance, decisions about where to build schools depend on the number of children in an area, while plans for roads, electricity, and hospitals are based on the local population. However, these facilities cannot be built in uninhabited areas like forests. 

Chairman Nandala praised the quality of the census questions. He advised not to fear or criticize the questions, if you're mad or drunkard tell them the truth it will help you; 

He pointed out that if Jesus was counted, then who are you to refuse? Census  is conducted worldwide.

Warren Asiima, the District Census Commissioner Representative from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), told Bugisu intellectual that despite challenges posed by the district's hilly terrain and rains, the census team hopes to complete the exercise within ten days. 

Asiima confirmed that the team had finished interviewing Nandala, as well as Umukuuka Jude Mike Mudoma, and would continue to make progress across the district.

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