"Alimba, Hon Ssenyonyi enjoys an intimate relationship with lies, MP Veronica Nanyondo has attended All Shadow Cabinet meeting"- Journalist- Musamali Arnold


By Journalist, Musamali Arnold Freeman:
I think the leader of opposition, Rt. Hon JoelSsenyonyi

enjoys an intimate relationship with lies. 

For the starters, the shadow cabinet at the parliament of Uganda sets every Tuesday morning, when parliament is not in recess to prepare for plenary. 

According  to our parliamentary reporter, on Tue, Rt. Hon Ssenyonyi called for an opposition crisis meeting which members of the opposition attended. 

This culminated in a press conference announcing the boycott. 

Attached is a video and pictures of other members including Hon. Kawalya, Hon Hanifa, and Hon. Alobo who are neither shadow ministers nor an ex officials to attend a shadow Cabinet meeting-https://youtu.be/GTKUozFLpL0


Sometime back I started that Rt. Hon. was struggling to raise for shadow cabinet meetings. 

It is also not true that he has held shadow cabinet meetings every Tuesday. I hope he establishes a relationship with the truth than lies

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