The National Resistance Movement National treasure, Amb. Barbra Nekesa Oundo has advised Religious, Cultural and local leaders topromote Government programs for social transformation and economic dedevelopment.
Nekesa made the call on the 11th of January 2025, during a fundraising ceremony at St. Kaloli Lwanga church in Busia Distric, where she was invited as the chief guest.
"I am delighted to be here today and thank you for inviting me as the Chief Guest at this fundraising occasion. I congratulate you all and thank God for completion of the year 2024 and wish you a blessed 2025 abound with bountiful tidings from our God the Almighty"- Said Nekesa.
Nekesa applaud religious leaders for the efforts in fostering God’s Ministry.
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"The Church is a very important institution in society as it plays an important role in modelling people to do good as Christ did. For the Church to fulfil this noble contribution to humanity, it has enablers to this mission and indeed the development of the Church infrastructure is one of the integral pillars. I am proud to be associated with this endeavor" She said.
She further thanked the worshipers for supporting the NRM ruling government .
"I would like to thank all of you here present for supporting the NRM Party on its journey of Social-Economic Transformation of the masses of our people in our beloved country. Everyone of us present here has got a very critical role to play to make this goal a reality in our lifetime and transform the lives of our people and secure a better future for generations to come. I thank the Church as it has been a strong partner and a vanguard in this quest"-Nekesa noted
Nekesa also called upon warshipers to present to understand the critical path that we must take to deliver the desired ingredients to socially and economically transform our people’s lives. Our role as leaders in whatever capacities, whether religious, political, cultural, etc is to mobilize and galvanize our people around the fundamentals of this goal.
She Advised Religious leaders and other local leaderd to promote and embrace Government programs in order for the people to get our of poverty.
"First and foremost, what role do we have to play as leaders in this quest? Ours is to mobilize the people around this cause. As a community, we need correctly identify the legitimate interests of the different groups of our people and supporting them to achieve them. As leaders, you are in position to fight for the legitimate interests of our people and oppose where necessary the illegitimate interests that stand in the way of our goals. Therefore, as leaders, we must be able to correctly dissect society and its multiple and, sometimes, contradictory interests - legitimate and illegitimate"-Nekesa
While concluding her speech Nekesa noted key points to embrace Government programs.
"Having analyzed our society, we need to support the Government and mobilize and galvanize the masses of our people around the following legitimate interests:
1. All land-owning homesteads must abandon subsistence farming and join commercial farming with ekibaro. We must guard against
okukolera ekidda kyonka!
2. Decampaign land-fragmentation through inheritance in
subsequent generations. This is more of a culturally perpetuated norm and we must sensitize our people about its dangers as it renders the land to be divided into small and uneconomically viable units.
3. Resist land evictions and encourage people to have stable tenure of land ownership.
4. Take advantage of free education in all Government schools. Be partners to Government in monitoring and enforcing the education standards.
5. Encourage value addition to especially agricultural products.
6. Sensitize the people to be more disease preventive focused than curative through having good sanitation. On the other hand, engage Government to ensure you have well run health facilities in your localities.
In the end, this interests-based mobilization of the masses, produces more durable and sustainable Social Economic Transformation. The Government’s current agenda for the betterment of the lives of our people is pivoted on the Parish Development Model. Embrace
government programs for the betterment of our people. As leaders, we can not be the bearers of the message when we ourselves have not experienced its practical benefits. We must practice what we preach to give our followers confidence in the message we put across to them. As leaders, responsibility rests upon us to:
a) Participate in Government programs for your own development and b) Be able to show by example to those we lead and mobilize them to also benefit from the same.
We have now entered into a very important period leading to the general elections in January – February 2026 and a number of activities are lined up. I would like to call upon you to actively participate as the choice of the leaders to lead us on the Social-Transformation mission. Currently, the general Update of the Voters Register by the National Electoral Commission in each Parish/Ward is ongoing and I encourage you check your details and those who had never registered as voters to turn up and enrol. The NRM Party shall also be releasing its own Roadmap of activities for the general elections. A critical second round of the Party’s Membership Register Display and Update is coming up this month of January 2025 and I encourage you to turnup in large numbers participate.
Finally, in the Book of Haggai 1:8 – “Go up into the mountains and bring
On behalf of the NRM, Nekesa made a contribution of cash money which wasn't disclosed.