Twodong Confirms Muhoozi’s Patriotic League is Part of NRM.


The recent rebranding of the MK movement to the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) has stirred some speculation within the National Resistance Movement (NRM), but according to Richard Twodong, the NRM’s secretary general, there’s no need for concern.

In a ceremony held in Kampala last Wednesday, the MK movement, led by Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, was officially rebranded to the Patriotic League of Uganda, overseen by Capt. Mike Mukula, the vice chairperson of the NRM Eastern region. Notable attendees included five ministers, over 150 Members of Parliament, and close to 90 LC5s, primarily from the NRM, sparking questions about their party allegiance.

Twodong clarified that while he couldn’t attend the event, he viewed the participation of fellow party members positively, emphasizing that it was not a breach of party loyalty. He asserted that PLU, along with other groups mobilizing for the NRM, are essentially working towards the same goal: supporting the NRM chairman in the upcoming presidential election in 2026.

Speaking to NRM supporters in Serere district during the belated NRM day celebrations, Twodong likened the various NRM-affiliated groups to tributaries feeding into the larger NRM river. He emphasized the unity of purpose among these groups, despite their diverse approaches.

Highlighting the political landscape in Serere, which has shifted from being an opposition stronghold to a bastion of the NRM, Twodong urged residents to distance themselves from opposition leaders who refuse to collaborate with President Museveni. He pointed out the significant sway the NRM now holds in Serere, with the majority of district councilors and LC3s aligning with the party.

In the broader context, Twodong stressed that PLU’s existence doesn’t pose a threat to NRM members, as it is not a registered political party opposing them. This sentiment echoes the broader strategy of the NRM, which seeks to maintain unity among its members while expanding its influence across different fronts.

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